Orme in Europe
These are some of the countries in Europe that have Ormes. This page also has miscellaneous information about people named Orme that didn't really fit in anywhere else on this website.
In Denmark the original name
was usually translated to the Roman alphabet as 'Arme'.
The Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus
Approximately 10,000 people named Orme, most living in the counties of Cheshire and Staffordshire.
Appleby Castle, Cumbria
The Domesday Book
The Ormulum
St. Chad's Church, Stafford
St. Gregories Minster, Kirkdale, Yorkshire
Orme Court
Ormes of London - 1870
Orme House
We know that you are there, the name Orme appeared on the internet as the winner of a bowling competition.
Also, just off the coast of Estonia is Ormsö - Orme's Island.
Holland / Netherlands
Iceland is unique in having a complete record of its people from the day that the first settlers arrived from Norway. The name Orme appears amongst the first settlers and the name is still in use.
Iceland uses the Norse system of surnames, it works like this:
Orme marries Mary, they have a son, John, and a daughter,
John is called John Ormesson, and Ingrid is called Ingrid
John marries Hildr, they have a son, Sven, and a daughter, Björk.
Sven is called Sven Johnson, Björk is called Björk Hildrsdaughter.
The same names are sometimes reused by different generations, but there is no continuous family surname.
The Orme family owned extensive property in county Mayo and also around the village of Enniscrone in the parish of Kilglass, county Sligo. Of Staffordshire extract they settled in county Mayo at the end of the 17th century and built up an estate centred in the parish of Moygawnagh, barony of Tirawley, county Mayo, some of which was held from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. By the time of Griffith's Valuation they also held a large estate in the parish of Killasser, barony of Gallen, county Mayo. In 1876 three members of the family held over 16,000 acres in county Mayo and almost 2,000 in county Sligo. C. Guy Orme sold 3,100 acres to the Congested Districts' Board on 22 Feb 1912.
(Source : www.landedestates.ie/LandedEstates)
It is quite likely that there are Ormes in Latvia, though no actual evidence yet - see Ormsö, Estonia, for more information.
In Norway the name was
usually translated to the Roman alphabet as 'Arme'.
A number of books were written in Polish by Alexandra Orme, most are available in English translations. One that comes to mind was published in Great Britain as 'From Christmas to Easter' and in the USA as 'Comes the Comrade'.
There are probably less than 12 Ormes in Scotland, there have
never been many. Some commercial websites will tell you 'the Orme
family has its origins in Lancashire in Scotland' - this is quite
amusing because Lancashire has always been in England and most Ormes
have no connection with Lancashire, or indeed with Scotland.
Ormiston - East Lothian
In Sweden the name was
usually translated to the Roman alphabet as 'Arme'.
The 1881 census of England, Scotland, and Wales shows one family in Anglesey with parents from Cheshire, and one individual in Glamorgan who may well be the eldest son of the same family. That is all there were in Wales in 1881, a total of five. This does not suggest Welsh ancestry for any Orme, though there are now Ormes who are most definitely Welsh and speak the language fluently - Sut rydych chi?
However, as archaeologists sometimes say, 'absence of evidence is not evidence of absence'.
See The Great Orme
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